Schaik Dash XI




Ron van Schaik


 medium to hard






Schaik Dash XI was released on 19 April 2003 by Ron von Schaik, the famous game-creator from the Netherlands.

Schaik Dash 11 starts with a good cave in medium difficulty with a growing amoebia where you have to be aware of butterflies. In cave Nr. 4 you have to save yourself from "attacking" fireflies right after the start. Other caves like Nr. 11 + 12 have similar ways to start. All in all Ron created once again a good mixture between difficult and "moderate" levels. His games are rather frustrating for Boulder Dash-beginners.

I recommend Ron's new game for downloading. Without his games your Boulder Dash-collection would be incomplete.

I like the caves Nr. 3, 8,13 + 16.




 smooth operator





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